Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Cameraman vs Videographer

....different title but still on the "akad nikah" event, the most busy man need to run here and there.....I know what they feel and what they want. That why,this post dedicated to all the pro & amatuer cameramans and videographers for the best effort for the best shoot for the best angle for the best photos or movements with your very best creativity whether paid off or volunteers but at the end of the day is for self satisfaction on job and result that has been done. Always remember your job is not easy as some people said and not just shoot & snap but to make the pictures truly life.....some people said pictures always tell the truth or pictures can tell more than thousand words.

See.....how many of them?

ready to shoot...sabar ye bang


.......look very seriuos

.......come on don't miss this

.............my turn ok

alright now my turn.....


  1. haha.. syok jugak, photographer ambil gambar photographer in action !

  2. itu pun cara spontan je idea tu siap orang cakap orang ambik gambar pengantin kau ambik gambar lain....aku senyum je

  3. hahahaha... org sibuk mengambil gambar event, encik S ni sibuk pulak nak amik gambor org yang menembak tuh... hehehehe... creative...
